Broomfield Park Medical Centre’s Local Vaccine Site; AWARD WINNER

We received wonderful news that the vaccine centre that was being delivered at Broomfield Park Medical Centre has been honoured with a “Hidden Heroes – Outstanding Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic” award from Dene Healthcare and the 2022 General Practice Awards.
The delivery of the vaccine centre was a Primary Care Network collaboration along with Engleton House Surgery, Allesley Park Medical Centre and the two University Sites the practices manage, Warwick and Coventry. The practice managers were the managers on duty at every clinic and all sites provided doctors, nurses, vaccinators, receptionists, administrators and a group of people we couldn’t have delivered the clinics without – VOLUNTEERS!

Everyone across the country worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic and the majority of organisations delivering the vaccine programme did so on top of the “day job”. Many GPs, Nurses, Practice Managers, Admin staff worked 6 days a week for over a year to ensure everyone who wanted their vaccines, had them.
We dedicate this award to every single key worker across the country, amazing things can be achieved when we all come together and work together.
We would also like to thank our patients for the support during the pandemic. We wholly appreciate that it wasn’t easy for you either, frustrating, upsetting, worrying times; but you were all so kind in asking how we were when you called the surgery or attended vaccine clinics.
We are still feeling the after affects of the pandemic, back log of minor ops, referrals, long term condition recalls, huge influx of conditions not brought forward during lockdowns, staff still testing positive and unable to be in the surgery due to vulnerable patients coming for appointments. We really appreciate your continued support and we are working as hard as we can to support you all.