Infection Control Statement




This document sets out the practice policy on infection control and should be used with reference to the principles outlined in the Infection Control policies and the Infection Control Inspection Audit.


Policy Statement

This practice is committed to the control of infection within the building and in relation to the clinical procedures carried out within it.


The practice undertakes to maintain the premises, equipment, drugs and procedures to the standards detailed within the check list and will undertake to provide facilities and the financial resources to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to reduce or remove infection risks.


Wherever possible or practicable the practice will seek to use washable or disposable materials for items such as soft furnishings and consumables, e.g. seating materials, wall coverings including paint, couch rolls, bed curtains, floor coverings, towels etc, and ensure that these are laundered, cleaned or changed frequently to minimise risk of infection.


Proposals for the Management of Infection Risk

The clinician responsible for Infection Control is Carol Foster

The non-clinician responsible for Infection Control is Dale Ball .


Carol Foster is responsible for the maintenance of personal protective equipment for the nursing and clinical staff.  Jessica Reay is responsible for the provision of personal cleaning supplies within clinical areas.

Dale Ball is responsible for the maintenance of the provision of personal cleaning supplies within non-clinical areas.

Jessica Reay is responsible for the management of sterile equipment (we currently use an external company for sterilisation of equipment) and supplies, and for ensuring that all items remain “in date”.


The following general precautions will apply:


Cleaning staff are currently employed by the practice.  The job description includes daily, weekly and monthly cleaning specifications.

  • The consulting room curtains are replaced on an annual basis.
  • Ad hoc replacement of curtains will take place where necessary.
  • Single use curtains are in all consulting rooms.
  • Nursing staff use specifications on cleaning schedules in clinical areas
  • Infection Control training will take place for all staff on an annual basis and will include training on hand decontamination, hand washing procedures, sterilisation procedures, the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the safe used and disposal of sharps.
  • Infection Control Training will take place for new recruits within 4 weeks of start.
  • Hand washing posters are displayed at each designated hand basin. See Hand washing Guidelines.
  • The practice ensures that staff have access to sufficient and appropriate supplies of materials for hand decontamination, PPE and sharps containers.
  • A random and unannounced Infection Control Audit by the above named staff, using the Check list, will take place once per annum and the findings will be reported to the partners’ meeting for (any) remedial action.



The Standard Universal Infection Control Standards that underpin safe practice to protect both patients and staff from the risk of infection.  These should be carried out at all times regardless of a perceived or known factor.  These include:

  • Hand hygiene guidelines.
  • The use of protective clothing and gloves.
  • Safe disposal of clinical waste and sharps.
  • Prevention of sharps injuries: procedure safe use and disposal of sharps.
  • Management of sharps/exposure injuries.
  • Environmental cleaning.
  • Dealing with spillages of blood and body fluids.
  • Aseptic technique.
  • Collection, handling, storage and transportation of specimens.
  • Guidance for avoiding identifying and managing latex allergy.


The specific guidance on each of these areas will be found in supporting documents, Coventry and Rugby CCG Infection Control Policies and the working well initiative produced by the RCN in “Good Practice in Infection Control”


All staff are reminded that it is essential to follow this guidance at all times:


References and Further Reading:

Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013 HSE.

Broomfield Park Infection Control Policies/Procedures and Guidance

Coventry and Rugby CCG Infection Control  Policies